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Archive for October, 2019

FIREy Femmes

October 28th, 2019 at 09:17 pm

Thought I'd share a financial website I've been enjoying lately:

FIREyFemmes is a Money Diaries style website that is specifically geared toward women interested in the FIRE (financial independence/retire early) movement.

I love money diaries in general (who isn't secretly interested in how other people manage their money?), and I do enjoy the Money Diaries on the Refinery 29 website, but they often seem to leave out the "big picture" element. Diarists on this site specifically address their goals, savings rates, and how they got to where they are (inheritence? Large bonuses? Bought a house at the bottom of the market? Lost half your networth in a divorce? Etc).

I am definitely FIRE-inclined, and paying off my tremendous mountain of student debt is the first step. I actually love what I do now, but it's also super stressful. While I don't necessarily plan to retire early, I never want to feel like I'm trapped in my field by a need for the salary if it stops being enjoyable. You only live once. Becoming debt free and having a large nest egg gives you the option to step away and redesign your life. Nobody knows what the future holds!

Debt Progress Update

October 6th, 2019 at 02:30 pm

Several interval progress posts were lost, so this will seem like a big jump, but I wanted to post an update. Over those months I’ve thrown overtime and a bonus at my loans in addition to my usual budgeted payments. For some of the paid off federal loans only principle is listed because it's hard to tell the total interest paid from the website.

Loan snapshot:
Private loan: $19,612.46 principal and $454.07 interest – PAID OFF
Grad plus loan: $9,546 principal – PAID OFF
Stafford loan #1: $8,500 principal – PAID OFF
Stafford loan #2: $8,500 principal- PAID OFF
Stafford loan #3: $8,500 principal and $1,399.20 interest: Balance: PAID OFF
Stafford loan #4: $43, 595.23 principal and $10,794.81 interest: -PAID OFF
Stafford loan #5: $43,952.80 principal and $8929.01 interest: Balance $52,881.81
Stafford loan #6: $44,013.66 principal and $8941.62 interest: Balance $52,955.28
Stafford loan #7: $48,070.76 principal and $9,765.45 interest: Balance $57,836.21
Total remaining balance: $163,673.30 Remaining principal $136,037.22 Interest: $27,636.08