Merry belated Christmas! I've been away visiting relatives this season, but now it's back to work and back to more ordinary financial matters after an expensive time of year!
Although there were increased holiday expenses (gifts, uber to holiday parties that had alcohol, extra gas for travel, etc), there was also some financial good luck. In December I was able to pick up some overtime that should be about $150 after taxes and received a couple of gift cards. I also talked to a salesman with some questions about one of the bigger, more practical presents for a family member, and he gave me a $75 discount that I didn't even request!
I'm hoping to keep the rest of the month as frugal as possible by continuing the battle against high utility bills; using my efficient space heater, lots of blankets, and dressing in layers to minimize turning on the central heat. I'll also be weatherstripping this week.
Today I slept too late to make lunch, but managed to grab coffee from home on the way out the door and just spent $1.10 on a snack in the cafeteria to hold me over until I got home to cook dinner. I cooked from the freezer and pantry since I just got back into town and may try to put off grocery shopping for a few more days.
Back to the usual routine
December 27th, 2017 at 11:06 pm
December 28th, 2017 at 01:29 am 1514424599
December 28th, 2017 at 12:42 pm 1514464921
No, I don't have any dedicated space at work as I use different workspaces for different assignments and just take my stuff with me. Occasionally I hit a stretch where I'm in one place and can do it for a while, but not currently
December 29th, 2017 at 07:25 pm 1514575545