Home > Spending snapshot

Spending snapshot

June 30th, 2021 at 03:08 am

I did some spending today on clothing – I very rarely shop, but now that we are going back to in-person life I knew I would need to update some pieces that are just plain worn out. I am still wearing a fair number of clothes I had in college, and that was over 10 years ago!


I spent a total of $96.36 on a cute work-appropriate summer dress, two pairs of basic shorts, and 4 short-sleeved shirts. All of these items were on sales or clearance, but are basic pieces that will work well with other things I already have. I am working on being more brutally honest with myself and paring down on clothing by donating things that don’t fit right, are unflattering, I don’t really wear, etc.

1 Responses to “Spending snapshot”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Honestly, I think you did well only spending what you did on clothing! And paring down what you don't love is important.

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